
Meditation for a Soul Retrieval. When we suffer any kind of trauma whether it is physical or mental, a part of our soul and heart pieces flee out of our body and when it happens, we get depressed and so many emotions start to play on our energy field.

Deep Heart Healing which activates the deep healing of the heart from the beginning of your time on earth until now.

Connecting Your Heart and Mind by bringing them into alignment in one rhythmic pulse.

Higher Heart Activation that works on clearing your higher heart and thymus gland and all negative patterns that keep your heart closed or undeveloped. Doing a deep dive on released trapped emotions such as bitterness, hatred, broken heart, fears, disappointments and so much more.

And once this is released, I will be bringing in unconditional love, compassion, empathy, synchronization, reliability, patience, bliss – learning to receive and give love. Also communicating with the heart and alignment between the heart and head.

Included in this package is a Soul Retrieval Meditation and Several Activations to Heal Your Heart and a Protection Grid mp3 (negativity will bounce right off).



  • Meditation for a Soul Retrieval. When we suffer any kind of trauma whether it is physical or mental, a part of our soul and heart pieces flee out of our body and when it happens, we get depressed and so many emotions start to play on our energy field.


  • Deep Heart Healing which activates the deep healing of the heart from the beginning of your time on earth until now.


  • Connecting Your Heart and Mind by bringing them into alignment in one rhythmic pulse.


  • Higher Heart Activation that works on clearing your higher heart and thymus gland and all negative patterns that keep your heart closed or undeveloped. Doing a deep dive on released trapped emotions such as bitterness, hatred, broken heart, fears, disappointments and so much more.


  • And once this is released, I will be bringing in unconditional love, compassion, empathy, synchronization, reliability, patience, bliss – learning to receive and give love. Also communicating with the heart and alignment between the heart and head.

Included in this package is a Soul Retrieval Meditation and Several Activations to Heal Your Heart and a Protection Grid mp3 (negativity will bounce right off).


Value of all of this is over $125.00