
22 Sacred Activations for Your Mind- Body – Soul


22 Sacred Activations for Your Mind, Body and Soul 

  1. Fruit of Life
  2. Heaven on Earth
  3. Original Light Language
  4. Opposites
  5. Mother Mary
  6. Super DNA
  7. Self-Sabotage Deactivation
  8. Addictions Redirection
  9. Money Gene
  10. Angel Power
  11. Soulmate
  12. Sacred Blue Print 
  13. Sacred Power
  14. Mother Earth
  15. Anger and Resentment Towards God
  16. Family Constellation
  17. Illumination
  18. Seed of Life
  19. Defragmentation and Laser Focus
  20. Learning Through Suffering
  21. Karmic Loop
  22. Bleeding Heart




22 Sacred Activations for Your Mind, Body and Soul 

Sacred Activations that cover, Spiritual Upgrades, Relationships, Money and Addictions.and so much more …..

  1. Fruit of Life

This activation lights up all 13 Chakras, and keeping you grounded and connected to your higher self.

  1. Heaven on Earth

This activation releases oaths made, or karma, to suffer for those who came before you. Many empathic people carry the pain of the planet and our ancestors. This activation releases all the above. 

  1. Original Light Language

This activation allows us to be “in love” with life. It also allows us to be true to ourselves and honor our personal power when we are in conflict with others. This activation releases us from the trauma of what others are experiencing, allowing us to observe without becoming attached. 

  1. Opposites

This allows new pathways of unconditional love to replace the negative pathways in the brain by focusing on the programs that are constantly running unconsciously. These stop you from achieving clarity and calmness as well as money.

  1. Mother Mary

This activation connects you with all the elements of this wonderful place we call home: Mother Earth. It helps ground you and centers you in the knowing that we are all connected; it connects you to the fairies, trees, flowers and water, and brings you closer to our animal friends. To connect to your Higher Self, it’s important to first connect to Mother Earth.

  1. Super DNA

The Super DNA activation improves your DNA, so that it matches the new evolved generation that is coming onto the planet at this >me. When children who were born with AIDS were activated and their progress tracked and retested some years later, it was found that the AIDS disease was gone, and their DNA had been changed to a “Super DNA.”

  1. Self-Sabotage Deactivation

This deactivation clears you of all ancestral beliefs that everything in life has to be hard and a struggle. This activation allows you to free yourself of all aspects of self-sabotage in love, Relationships, success, business, career, finance, health, happiness and much more allowing you to work in balance and harmony with yourself to succeed in all aspects of your life without self limitation.

  1. Addictions Redirection

This activation restores the instinct and energy to self-nurture.   This addiction helps with various expressions of addictions including:

Hoarding, Fear, Self sacrifice, Drama, Sex, Drugs / Alcohol, Compulsive Behavior

  1. Money Gene

This activates the Money Gene, and codes were brought in by the Laws of Abundance, connecting you to the 5th dimension of unconditional love and abundance. Plug in and watch your life change.

  1. Angel Power

This activation connects us to who we really are while disconnecting us from religious consciousness and genetic consciousness regarding what it is to be an Earth Angel and our worthiness. This activation clears the unworthiness from past lives and from our ancestors, while bringing in the power of our Angels and our Higher Self as well as our Master energy, so we can vibrate in that energy in our everyday lives.

  1. Soulmate

The Soul Mate Activation clears beliefs, judgments, trauma and betrayal with your soul mates over all lifetimes. It opens you to receive the right soul mate free of fear of the future with him or her. It also clears the Collective Consciousness, the religious beliefs and genetic beliefs about relationships with a soul mate. We have many soul mates, and this will allow you to align with the most supportive, nurturing and compatible life partner.

  1. Sacred Blue Print

This activation will help align you with your true self and your purpose in life, giving you the courage and knowledge of how to follow it without delay and/or fear. It will give you the knowing of what you are to do here on Earth. 

  1. Sacred Power

With this Sacred Power Activation, you need to be vibrating at the highest level possible to keep this activation. It clears all your fears of being in your true sacred power and of being the life force you are meant to be. This activation will empower you to step into your authentic power.

  1. Mother Earth

This activation connects you with all the elements of this wonderful place we call home: Mother Earth. It helps ground you and centers you in the knowing that we are all connected; it connects you to the fairies, trees, flowers and water, and brings you closer to our animal friends. To connect to your Higher Self, it’s important to first connect to Mother Earth.

  1. Anger and Resentment Towards God

This activation is about releasing your anger and resentment at God, seeing those as beliefs WE created, and most importantly, how to release these very debilitating and choking beliefs. Many of us are unaware of the anger and resentment we have towards God. This anger keeps us from having faith that God can and will heal us and our clients. Before you partner with God to Facilitate healing for your clients you will need to release this belief. Foundations, Addictions, Age Reversal, Health, Love, Relationships, Prosperity, Psychic Abilities, World Peace Anger, Guilt and Fear Who you are angry with clearing out anger

  1. Family Constellation

The Family Constellation Activation is an amazingly powerful activation.  It clears your anger, judgment, guilt, and hatred toward your family.   It gives you a true knowing of a family’s love. After this activation, amazing shifts in family relationships and dynamics can occur.

  1. Illumination

This activation reminds you of your past lives and allows you to see your future lives. You’ll understand who you truly are as a “being of light.” This activation is done in the Akashic records which are on the 6th plane.

  1. Seed of Life

Based on Sacred Geometry, you will focus on six elements and bring them into the one. This can be things such as “I am abundant”, “I am free” …whatever you desire to create in your life. With the Seed of Life, your energy is focused to manifest that which you truly desire, by fertilizing and planting the crops that will lead you to the life you dream of and deserve

  1. Defragmentation and Laser Focus

Amazing Activation for people who feel scattered and unfocused. This Activation pulls in all those fragmented pieces of yourself and basically organizes everything and gives you such clarity that you feel Laser Focused

  1. Learning Through Suffering

This activation clears you out of any ideas or attachments to how things ‘should’ or ‘ought’ to be so that you can just allow yourself to just ‘be’ exactly as you are and who you are now. It clears you out of any expectations you may have of yourself or of others and helps you release any needs you must control your situation to achieve a desired outcome. This activation serves to bring more of your energy into the present moment rather than it being caught up in future outcomes, putting you in a more open position to receive in the now.

  1. Karmic Loop

This activation enables you to complete the karmic lessons which keep repeating in one way or another. When the lessons are completed, you can move forward with the wisdom, and the necessity to repeat the same pattern over and over in your life is gone.

  1. Bleeding Heart

Healers tend to want to heal the world, however when trying to do so you give your power away, while taking on the sorrow and sadness of the world. This activation will give you discernment and boundaries, so you can heal yourself without being attached to healing the world.