Self Healing With Arcturian Light Codes
that work with your DNA
to Transform and Accelerate Your Ascension
These Arcturian Light Codes work deeply on your DNA Level. Your DNA holds and carries the energy of your karmic imprints and fast track transformation can quickly be made through clearing your DNA and information it holds. Your DNA carries your ancestral fears, your negative programming and other negative imprinting.
You can change your deeply embedded conditioning and programming by working with powerful Arcturian Light Codes that work on reprogramming your cells with high vibrational frequencies which will then be able to hold more divine light.
Only listen to 1 Light Code a day – it takes about a week or more to integrate the energy. Please drink lots of water and sit in a quiet place to listen to each code. They are approximately 6 – 8 minutes long.
Light Code 1 – Clears fear of being taken advantage of and installs the frequency
Light Code 2 – Clears delusions, unreal expectations based out of fear and being tricked
or duped and installs the frequency of SELF-ACTUALISATION
Light Code 3 – Clears loss of inner voice and repressed feelings and desires and installs the
frequency of AUTHENTICITY
Light Code 4 – Clear expression of control through smothering and installs the frequency of
Light Code 5 – Clears tyranny and rigidity and installs the frequency of INNER AUTHORITY
Light Code 6 – Clears blind conformity and constriction and installs INGENUITY
Light Code 7 – Clears fear of being alone and installs COMMUNION WITH SELF AND
Light Code 8 – Clears lack of direction and chaos and installs CONSISTENCY
Light Code 9 – Clears insecurity and installs INNER STRENGTH
Light Code 10 – Clears loneliness and instills SOLITUDE
Light Code 11 – Clears fears of lack of control and installs FLOW
Light Code 12 – Clears unfairness and installs JUSTICE (fairness, equality)
Light Code 13 – Clears victimhood and installs ACCOUNTABILITY
Light Code 14 – Clears disinterest and decay and installs EXPANSION
Light Code 15 – Clears extremes and lack of balance and installs NEUTRALITY
Light Code 16 – Clears addiction and materialism and installs PRUDENCE
Light Code 17 – Clears fear of complete upheaval and disaster and installs ACCEPTANCE
Light Code 18 – Clears insecurity and discouragement and installs KNOWING
Light Code 19 – Clears fear of the dark/unknown and installs ILLUMINATION
Light Code 20 – Clears negativity, depression, overwhelming sadness and installs CELEBRATION
Light Code 21 – Clears self-loathing and doubt and installs AWAKENING